Article 1 — Objectives of the Show.
ROSSICA-2022 International Biennial of RussianPhilately (hereafter referred to as ROSSICA-2022)shall be organized for the following objectives:
l to promote every aspects of philately in the World
related to the Russian subject matter;
l to promote the development of all advanced aspects of the post and to unite philatelists aroundthe World;
l to develop and extend the international humanitarian cooperation between the Russian NationalAcademy of Philately, national philatelic academies and Rossica clubs, and in the lead-up of the100th Anniversary of foundation of the firstRossica Society);and also the exhibition is timed to celebrate:
l the 350th Birth Anniversary of Peter of Great,the founder of Sankt-Petersburg;
l the 150th A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications in Saint Petersburg;
l the 150th Anniversary of the first Russian postcards and the 165th Anniversary of the first Russian postage stamp;
l the 100th Anniversary of the first Russian airmail stamps.
Article 2 — Organization, Venue and Date.
2.1 The ROSSICA-2022 Biennial continues thetraditions of ROSSICA-2013, 2014, 2016,2018 and ROSSICA-2020.
2.2 ROSSICA-2022 is organized jointly by theRussian National Academy of Philately and theUnion of Philatelists of Russia on the grounds ofthe A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, with the support of the United Nations Association of Russia.
2.3. Sponsors General of Exhibition: «MK-SP»,«Sbt-arch bureau» and «Pugachevs Auction House».
Article 3 — Patronage.
ROSSICA-2022 is organized under the patronage of the United Nations Association of Russia(UNA-Russia).
Article 4 — Regulations.
ROSSICA-2022 will be governed by these Special Regulations for the exhibition.
Article 5 — Exhibition Classes.
5.1 Honorary Class (Monte Carlo Club, European Academy of Philately, Royal Philatelic Society of London).
5.2 Competitive Classes.
Class 1: Traditional Philately.
Class 2: Postal History.
Class 3: Aero- and Astrophilately.
Class 4: Tematic philately.
Class 5: One Frame exhibits.
Class 6: Deltiology.
Class 7: Philatelic Literature (printed and electronicissues).
Class 8. Non-postage stamps.
5.3. Official (non-competitive) class for PostalAdministrations.
Article 6 — Conditions of Participation and Allotment of Frames.
6.1 Members of the European Academy of Philately (AEP) and members of National PhilatelicAcademies as well as members of the Royal Philatelists Society – London (RPSL), the British Society of Russian Philately (BSRP), the RossicaClub and the Monte Carlo Club are invited to takepart in the ROSSICA-2022 Exhibition.
6.2. Exhibits are accepted to participate in the exhibition, foremost, those who received a medal at the FIPand/or FEPA exhibitions with a rank not lower thanVermeil, as well as by the decision of the Selection Panel.
6.3. When selecting exhibits, priority will be givento exhibits on the Postal History and related to theRussian subject matter.
6.4. One exhibitor may submit only one applicationand only one application from a family may be submitted. This rule does not refer to Literature Class.Entries for Literature Class will be accepted without restriction in quantity.
6.5 From 1 to 6 frames with 16 sheets will be allotted to each exhibit. For individual 8-frame exhibits,foreign guests must send scan copies of all 8 frames.
Article 7 — Evaluation of Exhibits.
Evaluation of Exhibits will be performed by the International Jury led by V.G. Levandovsky, the Fellow of the FIP Jury Academy, in accordance withthe FIP General and Special Exhibition Regulations for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits atFIP Exhibitions (GREV).
All participants will receive medals in the ranks regulated by the General Exhibition Regulations andcorresponding certificates. Exhibitors of the Literary Class who presented several nominations willreceive only one medal and certificates corresponding to the number of awarded exhibits
Article 8 — Application and Acceptance.
8.1 Applications for participation shall be submitted by each exhibitor personally to the Commissioner General of the ROSSICA-2022 in such away that they are received by the Coordinator Commissioner prior to June 30, 2022, and priorto July 30, 2022, for the Literary Class.
8.2 Notification of the application acceptance orrejection from the Organizing Committee will besent to each exhibitor by August 15, 2022.
Article 9 — Handling of Exhibits.
9.1 No National Commissioners Institute is envisaged for the ROSSICA-2022, and due to thelogistic problems that have arisen, exhibits are supplied by e-mail in the form of PDF files prior toSeptember 1, 2022. Exhibits from Russia shall beaccepted only in the original, and the delivery of exhibits to the exhibition by the participant is welcome.
9.2 Exhibits (classes 1—6) should be delivered tothe Exhibition Venue and handed over to the Organizing Committee by the exhibitors on September 1, 2022. Due to the logistic problems and risksthat have arisen, all exhibits are sent by e-mail fromPDF-files.
9.3 The Organizers require Philatelic Literatureexhibits (1 copy of each Literature exhibit) to be sentno later than the date we inform you later.
Article 10 — Awards
Each exhibitor will be awarded with theROSSICA-2022 medal and a Certificate of Participation and an Exhibition Catalogue.
Article 11 — Participation
11.1 Participation in the exhibition is free for all exhibitors (classes 1–8). The scope of an exhibitionframe is 16 A4 sheets (454). The fee for one literature exhibit is 10 €.
Article 12 — Insurance and Security
12.1 Exhibitors are advised to provide appropriateinsurance for their exhibits of their own accord. TheOrganizing Committee does not defray the expensesfor exhibits insurance and all expenses in securinginsurance are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
12.2 The Organizing Committee will take reasonable precautions to ensure the security and safetyof all exhibits while in their possession.
Article 13 — Contact Addresses
13.1 Coordinator–Commissioner of theROSSICA-2022 Exhibition: Mr. Andrey Strygin. E-mail: strygin@inbox.ru
13.2 The Organizing Committee Address:ROSSICA Club, 7/1 Leontievsky per., 103009
Moscow, Russia. (for literature exhibits).
Article 14 — Rights of the Organizing Committee
The Organizing Committee reserves the right tomake additions and changes in these Special Regulations.
Article 15 — Conclusion
15.1 In the event of any discrepancies in the textarising from the translation, the English text shallprevail.
15.2 For further information about the Exhibition,please, address Andrey Strygin, the President ofthe Russian NAP:E-mail strygin@inbox.ru
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