ROSSICA – 2013
International Philatelic Show devoted to the Century anniversary
of the first Russian commemorative postage stamps.
Schedule of Events.
Thursday, September 26.
Delivering and mounting exhibits. Conference Hall, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI).
Cocktail-reception for the exhibitors. Moscow Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel. (by invitation only)
Friday, September 27.
The Day of the Russian Postage Stamp
(devoted to the 155thAnniversary of the first Russian postage stamp).
The Opening Ceremony
Special official cancellation of the postal stationery card devoted to the event.
The Seminar on Philatelic Journalism by Wolfgang Maassen, President of the AIJP (International Association of Philatelic Journalists). The library of RF CCI.
The Presentation-Show on Astrophilately “History of Russian Space Mail” by Igor Rodin, Chairman of the FIP (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie) Section for Astrophilately. The library of RF CCI.
The Summit – Assembly of the European Academy of Philately and National Philatelic Academies. Congress Hall of RF CCI.
Saturday, September 28.
The Day of City Post
(devoted to the 150thAnniversary of the first Russian postage stam for Saint Petersburg’s and Moscow’s city post).
Special official cancellation of the postal stationery card devoted to the event.
The Reception organized by Russian National Academy of Philately. The “Biblio-Globus” book trading house. (by invitation only)
Sunday, September 29.
The Day of Russian Commemorative postage stamps
(devoted to the Century Anniversary of the first Russian Commemorative postage stamps).
Special official cancellation of the postal stationery card devoted to the event.
Award Ceremony and Closing Ceremony during the Reception at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
The dismounting of exhibits
Automobile Post (retro-automobile). The “Moscow- Monte Carlo” automobile relay. “Rossica – 2013” hands over an exhibition “relay” to “MonacPhil – 2013” with the participation of Moscow’s Polytechnic Museum. The Automobile Post is to be coincided to the planned Russian – Monaco joint issue of postage stamps on automobile theme.
Special Regulations for ROSSICA – 2013
International Philatelic Show
Article 1 – Objectives of the Show.
ROSSICA – 2013 International Philatelic Show (hereafter referred to as “ROSSICA-2013”) is
being organised for the following objectives:
. To commemorate the centenary of the first Russian commemorative postage stamps;
. To commemorate the 155th anniversary of the first Russian postage stamp;
. To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first Russian postage stamp for St Petersburg and Moscow’s municipal posts;
. To promote every aspect of the post and philately in Russia;
. To promote every aspect of philately related to Russia in the world; and
. To promote and develop friendly relations and close cooperation between the European
Academy of Philately, national philatelic academies, and Rossica philatelic clubs.
Article 2 – Organisation, Venue, and Date.
2.1 ROSSICA – 2013 is the First International Academic Philatelic Show. It is a non-competitive
2.2 ROSSICA – 2013 is organised jointly by the Russian National Academy of Philately and the
Union of Philatelists of Russia (SFR).
2.3 ROSSICA – 2013 will be held at the Congress Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI) in Moscow (6 Ilyinka Street) from 27 September
to 29 September 2013.
Article 3 – Patronage.
ROSSICA – 2013 is organised under the patronage of the European Academy of Philately (AEP)
and the International Association of Philatelic Journalists (AIJP), with the support of the
Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA).
Article 4 – Regulations.
ROSSICA – 2013 will be governed by the Special Regulations for ROSSICA – 2013.
Article 5- Conditions of Participation and Allotment of Frames.
5.1 Members of the European Academy of Philately (AEP) and members of national
philatelic academies are invited to participate in ROSSICA – 2013.
5.2 Entries must have previously been awarded a minimum of a vermeil medal at a FIP
competitive exhibition or a FEPA competitive exhibition.
5.3 Entries relating to all FIP Competitive Classes (in accordance with the General Regulations of
the FIP for Exhibitions – GREX) may be submitted.
5.4 Priority acceptance will be granted to exhibits connected with Russia.
5.5 Each exhibitor may submit only a single application, and only one application per family may
be submitted. This rule does not apply to the Literature Class. Entries for the Literature Class will be
accepted without quantity restrictions.
5.6 From 1 to 5 exhibition frames will be allotted to each exhibit.
Article 6 – Exhibition Classes.
6.1 Honorary (Invited) Class
6.2 Class of the Members of the Club de Monte-Carlo
6.3 Class of the Members of Philatelic Academies
6.4 Literature Class
Article 7 – Application and Acceptance.
7.1 Provisional applications personally sent by exhibitors to the Commissioner General of
ROSSICA – 2013 must be received by the Commissioner General no later than 31 March 2013.
7.2 Notification of acceptance or rejection from the Organising Committee, together with the number of frames allocated to exhibitors, will be sent to each exhibitor by 31 May 2013.
Article 8 – Handling of Exhibits.
8.1 No National Commissioner will be appointed for ROSSICA – 2013.
8.2 Exhibits should be delivered to the Exhibition Venue and given to the Organising Committee by exhibitors on 26 September 2013.
8.3 Each exhibition (other than literature) sheet must be placed in a transparent protective cover.
The sheets shall be numbered on each page at the lower left corner.
8.4 All exhibits will be duly acknowledged with proper receipts. Exhibits will be returned in exchange for their receipts after the exhibition. Complaints will not be considered following the return of the exhibit.
8.5 Exhibits will be returned to exhibitors personally by the Organising Committee at the
Exhibition Venue on 30 September 2013.
8.6 Request for the return, removal, etc., of exhibits during the period of the exhibition will not be
8.7 The Organisers require Philatelic Literature exhibits (1 copy of each Literature exhibit) to be
sent no later than 15 August 2013 to the General Commissioner’s address:
Igor Rodin, P.O. Box 972, Moscow, 101000, RUSSIA.
8.8 The Philatelic Literature exhibits will not be returned. They will be donated to the Library of
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Article 9 – Awards
9.1 Each exhibitor will be awarded a ROSSICA-2013 commemorative medal and a Certificate of Participation.
Each exhibitor will receive one medal and one certificate regardless of the number of submitted exhibits.
9.2 Special prizes awarded by the Organising Committee and donated by Organisations and Individuals will be presented to a number of exhibitors in accordance with the decision of the Organising Committee.
Article 10 – Customs Regulations
10.1 Customs Regulations will be organised in according with the “Rules of Temporary Export and
Import of the Cultural and Artistic Valuables” of the Russian Federation.
10.2 Details of the appropriate customs regulations of the Russian Federation will be sent to the
exhibitors together with the notification of acceptance.
Article 11 – Participation Fees
11.1 There is no fee for any Exhibition Classes listed in Article 6 of these Special Regulations.
11.2 The Participation Fee for postal administrations and dealers is 2,500 Euro per booth (booth
size is 2 X 2 meters). It is possible to arrange a larger trade space, to place an advertisement
in the exhibition hall and in the exhibition’s printed materials (bulletin, catalogue,
etc.). (See Article 13.3 for contact details.)
11.3 Contacts for participating in the show are provided by the exhibition’s official operator in
co-ordination with the Organising Committee. (See Article 13 for contact details.)
11.4 The exhibition’s official operator and an Organiser of the Show is: The People's Archive
non-profit organisation. (See Article 13.3 for contact details.)
Article 12 - Insurance and Security
12.1 Exhibitors must secure appropriate insurance for their exhibits. The Organising Committee is not responsible for such insurance. Any expenses for securing insurance are the responsibility of the exhibitor. The Organisers may not be held liable for any loss or damage to any exhibit, in entirety or in part, howsoever caused.
12.2 The Organising Committee will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the security and safety of all exhibits in their possession.
Article 13 – Contact Addresses
13.1 Coordinator of the ROSSICA – 2013 Exhibition: Mr. Andrey Strygin
13.2 Entries and inquiries regarding entries should be sent to the Coordinator of the Exhibition
or to Mr. Igor Rodin, the Commissioner General of ROSSICA – 2013.
Mr. Igor Rodin
P.O. Box: 972
Moscow, 101000
13.3 Applications from Postal Administrations, dealers, and advertisers, as well as the questions
regarding the organisation of the show should be sent to The People's Archive non-profit
Mr. Arsen Melitonyan,
13.4 Address of the Organising Committee:
S. Tkachenko’s Architectural Studio,
Sytinsky Pereulok 3, bldg. 5,
Moscow, 123104,
Article 14 – Rights of the Organising Committee
The Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes to these Special Regulations.
Article 15 – Conclusion
15.1 In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation the English text shall
15.2 For further information about the exhibition, please contact Mr. Andrey Strygin, Coordinator of
the Exhibition and/or Mr. Igor Rodin, Commissioner General (See Article 13 for contact details).
The Organizing Committee of the ROSSICA 2013 International Philatelic Show.
Special representative of President of Russian Federation for humanitarian cooperation;
Chief of the Rossotrudnichestvo Federal Agency.
Deputy Chairman:
Honorary President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia
General Director of the Russian Post Federal State Unitary Enterprise
Deputy-Chairman of the Board of the Russian Peace Foundation
Honored Architect of Russian Federation, Chief of the architectural studio
Honorary members of the Organizing Committee:
W. Maassen,
President of the International Association of Philatelic Journalists (AIJP)
H. Slabbinck,
President of the European Academy of Philately (AEP)
Members of the Organizing Committee:
General Director of the Publishing and Trading Centre Marka Federal State Unitary Enterprise
Director of the A.Popov Central Museum of Communications
Director of the Biblio-Globus trading house
President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia
Chief of the Exhibition Secretariat
Chief-Editor of the Philately magazine
Consultant of Minister of Culture of Russian Federation
Director of Moscows Department of the Federal Postal Communications of Russian Post
General Commissioner, Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately
President of the Russian Academy of Philately
Member of Federation Council (the upper house of Russian Parliament)
Chief of the Center for Public Affairs and Mass media of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Application Form
Download Application Form in PDF
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